Join the Blondel Lab!​
If you are intrigued about microbes and want to tackle some of the most interesting unsolved problems in infectious disease research, you have come to the right place!
Undergraduate and Graduate students:
We look forward to welcoming rotation students to the lab. If you are interested in pursuing a PhD consider applying to the PhD Program in Biomolecular Biosciences (PDBCM) or the PhD Program in Biomedicine (PDBM) at Universidad Andres Bello (UNAB)
Postdoctoral Researchers:
We welcome applications from highly motivated researchers. For additional funding candidates can also apply to Chile's FONDECYT Postdoctoral Grants. Please contact us if you are interested to join our lab. The deadline for FONDECYT grants are on august of each year. More info in this link.
Interested in joining the team?
Send an email to carlos.blondel(at)unab.cl !