Principal Investigator: Carlos J. Blondel, PhD.
Carlos is a biochemist from Universidad de Chile, same place where he obtained his PhD in 2011 working under the mentorship of Dr. Inés Contreras, studying both the regulation of LPS biosynthesis in Shigella flexneri and Salmonella enterica and the identification of Type VI Secretion Systems in Salmonella.
In 2013, he was named PEW Latin American Fellow in the Biomedical Sciences and he joined the laboratory of HHMI Investigator Dr. Matthew K. Waldor at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women´s Hospital for his postdoctoral trainning. During his postdoctoral trainning under Dr. Waldor´s mentorship, he studied the molecular mechanisms that underlie the virulence of bacterial pathogens such as the pandemic Vibrio parahaemolyticus O3:K6 and Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) serotype O157:H7 and he used CRISPR/Cas9-based genetic screens to identify host factors that promote human susceptibility to the toxic action of Vibrio parahaemolyticus' two Type III Secretion Systems (T3SS).
In 2017, he was selected as an HHMI-Gulbenkian International Research Scholar. Dr. Blondel currently investigates the emergence of human pathogens by studying their molecular weaponry and how virulence emerges from coincidental evolution due to their adaptation to the environment and their respective ecological niches.
In 2019 he joined the Institute of Biomedical Sciences at Universidad Andrés Bello (ICB-UNAB).

Sebastián Jeréz
Graduate Student​
Sebastián is a Biochemist and holds a Masters degree from Universidad Nacional Andres Bello. He is currently enrolled in the Molecular Biosciences PhD program at UNAB. He worked as an undergraduate at the laboratory of Dr. Guido Mora studying how MarT regulates S. Typhi. In our lab he is currently working studying the contribution of a novel T3SS2 effector protein to the virulence of Vibrio parahaemolyticus.

Pablo Escobar
Lab Manager​
Pablo holds a Bachelors degree in Biochemistry from University of Chile. Has worked studying the regulatory mechanisms of LPS synthesis in enterobacteria. In addition to the important task of been our lab manager, he is also currently working studying novel components and effectors of the T3SS2 of V. parahaemolyticus.
Daniela Retamal
María José Puentes
Victor Cabrera
Alonso Cereceda
Cecilia Farias
Javier Villacecillo.
Current students
Former Members
Loreto Opazo.
Nicolás Plaza. Currently at Universidad Autónoma de Chile.
Veronica Bravo. Currently at Universidad de Santiago de Chile.
Italo Urrutia. Currently at Universidad Autónoma de Chile
Diliana Perez-Reytor. Currently atUniversidad Autonoma de Chile.
Rossmarie Pincheira.
Pía Lopez.
Sofía Espinoza.
Join the Blondel Lab!​
If you are intrigued about microbes and want to tackle some of the most interesting unsolved problems in infectious disease research, you have come to the right place!
Undergraduate and Graduate students:
We look forward to welcoming rotation students from UNAB as well students interested in pursuing their thesis/degree in our lab.
Postdoctoral Researchers:
We welcome applications from highly motivated researchers.
For funding we rely on Chile's FONDECYT Postdoctoral Grants.
Please contact us if you are interested to join our lab. The deadline for FONDECYT grants are on august of each year.
Interested in joining the team?
Send an email to carlos.blondel(at)unab.cl !